About Us

Our goal is to increase our market share and become a global brand by continuously improving our performance with our success-oriented structure.

With more than 40 years of experience in the sector, Özeren Aluminum works with its expert and experienced marketing team to meet all the needs of its customers in the best and highest quality way.

Alusystem family has adopted the principle of increasing customer satisfaction by continuously improving product quality and performance expectations of its customers with its innovative understanding.

Özeren Aluminum, which produces Alusystem branded Aluminum Profiles, was established in 1981 by Osman Özeren in Dörtyol District of Hatay.

It has two 1100-ton extrusion press lines with an annual production capacity of 6000 tons. In the anodizing facilities, 3000 tons of surface coating can be done annually and in the electrostatic powder coating facility, 3000 tons of surface coating can be done annually.